Paralysis is a condition that often causes significant disruption in the lives of people who suffer from it. Injuries to the spinal cord, a severe head injury, a broken neck, or nerve damage are all things that may cause paralysis. What is even more distressing is that it may occur with little warning.
If you or a loved one has been paralyzed because of someone else’s negligence, you now have to consider not only the medical bills you must pay now but also what financial compensation you will need for the future. Therefore, you should contact a catastrophic injury attorney to learn more about the monetary compensation you will need now and for the rest of your life.
What Are the Common Injuries That Cause Paralysis?
You have seven trillion nerves in your body. Every nerve is hooked to the spinal cord, which feeds into the brain. The nerves are similar to cables that transmit and receive data. Neurons or nerve cells use these pathways to send signals back and forth from a body part, up the spinal cord, to the brain, and back again.
When there is nerve, spinal cord, or brain damage, the neurons that carry signals to move body parts or create sensations cannot accomplish their task anymore. The result is paralysis. Three common injuries that cause paralysis include:
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Nerve damage
According to the United Spinal Association, 39.8% of spinal cord injuries happen because of vehicle accidents. Falls were the second reason for spinal cord injuries at 31.8%. Medical reasons and surgery were reasons for 4.3% of spinal cord injuries.
Brainline, an organization providing information, support, and ideas about traumatic brain injuries (TBI), says that falls are the leading cause of TBI-related emergency department visits for most age groups. Motor vehicle accidents were the leading cause of TBI-related hospitalizations for adolescents and adults 15 to 44.
What Are the Symptoms of Paralysis?
Depending on what is damaged and how badly, the extent of paralysis may vary throughout the body. Nerve damage may cause paralysis in a small body area or be widespread. If there is brain damage, the left, right, or both sides of the body may experience paralysis. If the spinal cord is injured, both legs may be paralyzed, resulting in paraplegia. In contrast, the paralysis of the arms and legs is called quadriplegia. Paraplegia often occurs with lower spinal injuries while quadriplegia applies to higher ones.
Some spinal cord injuries that cause paralysis may cause the following symptoms:
- Paralysis that happens immediately or develops over time
- Pain or pressure in your head, neck, or back
- Loss of movement
- Weakness or unable to move any part of your body
- Numbness, tingling, sensation loss in the hands or feet.
- Your spine or head is in an unnatural position
- You have difficulty breathing
- Walking becomes a problem
- Loss of bladder and bowel control
Unlike spinal cord damage, when the signals can’t get to the brain and back again, with brain injuries, it’s a matter of poor or interrupted communication between the brain and the muscles. Typically, symptoms will occur on one side of the body or the other. For example, if the left brain sustains an injury, the right side of the body may become paralyzed, resulting in hemiplegia. Some brain injury symptoms of paralysis include:
- Stiff, tight muscles
- Permanent tightening of muscles from them being constantly stiffened and tightened
- Inability to lift the foot and bring the toes toward the shin
- Difficulty swallowing
If there were no nerve fiber damage or little to no nerve cell death at the same time the spinal cord or brain was injured, rehabilitation could recover some or all movement. Nerves try to repair themselves, but if they don’t connect correctly to the muscle, you won’t recover muscle function or regain feeling. You may require surgery to try and repair the connection.
*The information above is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for the treatment or diagnosis of any injury. Consult a medical professional for treatment.
Consult With a Texas Catastrophic Injury Attorney to Help With Your Paralysis Case
If you or a loved one has suffered paralysis due to the negligence of others, Dale Rose hopes to help you. He understands the agony and financial worries you are experiencing through this struggle.
Dale Rose will apply his experience and knowledge to getting you the compensation you deserve, from payment of your medical bills to retrieving compensation for your pain and suffering. He also looks at the big picture, including future medical equipment costs, home adaptation costs, and future medical care costs. To learn more about the compensation you need now and will need in the future, contact us at (972) 634-ROSE (7673) or complete our contact form for your free consultation today.

Dale R. Rose
Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, has been a victim of a workplace accident, or any other personal injury, Dale Rose is the best attorney for you in McKinney, Texas. With 25+ years of experience, Dale is committed to helping you get the compensation & justice you deserve.
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